These white bones, stuffed with a delicious blend of buffalo meat and peanut butter, are a natural and long-lasting chew treat your dog will love. Made from dense, durable water buffalo bones, they offer excellent dental benefits while satisfying your pup's instinctual urge to chew. Once your dog has enjoyed the tasty filling, these bones can be re-stuffed with their favorite treats, making them a versatile option for extended enjoyment!
Composition: 100% Buffalo.
Analytic Constituents: Protein 76.19%, Moisture 9.44%, Fat 5.82%, Crude Fibre 6.04%, Crude Ash 1.64%.
Please Note:
- We advise that your dog is supervised whilst eating any chew or treat.
- Feed as part of a balanced diet.
- Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times.
Sold Individually
Peanut Butter Stuffed Buffalo Bone
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